God gives us reasons to SMILE everyday....
Sometimes when things are going tough we find so much effort to smile. Even the reason for smiling is God’s miracle for all of us. We might not see it as a miracle but come to observe people around. There are people who are blessed to be cheerful, some people though find so hard to put a simple smile on their face as if they have been conceived in the wrong way (peace!). If you can relate to these types of people, I want to recommend praying for God a reason for you to smile every day! Yes, as simple as this can be prayed for. J Ask and we shall receive! If on the other hand you are the type of person that can easily put laughter on their faces, find time to bless other people to be infected with you smile. You can also pray for people who find it hard to smile. They maybe need healing and acceptance. We’ll never know, your smile on them may be a start of their healing.
Today, God gave my reason to smile! The past few weeks were not so good for me and to be honest, I find it difficult to add article on my blog so last night before I sleep and prayed to God to give me a reason to smile when I woke up. True enough, He never ever failed me. Today I received a great news, I passed my licensing exam. J
Tell me what made you smile today? :)