Then we will ask the Lord “Why can’t I be like that?” Why can’t I drive this failure in my life?” Why am I alone?” Even if I’m a good person and have plans why can’t I succeed like my other friends?”When this happens, insecurities develop and we will fall into this pit of hopelessness until it will be so hard to get up. We will feel miserable until we almost drive out the important person in our lives because we don’t see goodness in ourselves anymore.
If we only realize how little our faith is. We need to fill our love tanks with the love of God. Wounded soldiers as we are, God gave us people that will carry us through to inspire us, support us, and guide us. Only if we realize to believe, He will reveal the magnificent tomorrow He provided for us. Anything is possible to anyone who believes. Fear, depression, distress, anxieties are mountains that prohibit us to grow. But Perfect Love casts out all of them. Then healing comes in, our eyes will slowly see the good things that no other person can do but you.
If you think you are behind them, you’re wrong… because God knows that you still have to undergo some lessons in life for you to be ready for the things He for have aspire you to have. You are just in a different time frame. If God can only tell us “You wouldn’t like it Child if I give this to you now. I’m telling you it’s going to be a serious problem and I love you too much to see you get in trouble… Just hold on My child, because I will never be late to answer you, but I will never be early as well. My timing is PERFECT so Trust in Me.”
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