This morning, the Lord reminded me of a story in the bible found in the gospel of Mark, about a paralytic and the four men who made way to Jesus' roof to seek for healing.
1 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. 2 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. 3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
The highlight of the story is forgiveness but I have realized two things. It would not be possible for the paralytic man to get to Jesus if he do not have these two hidden miracles.
First is DESPERATION. It is impossible for him to get to Jesus if he does not have enough will power to get through the crowd and is not desperate enough to get to Jesus considering where he was at that time. DESPERATION helped him to have that decision to decide for healing and that made him persevere so much that he went to the roof, dig it exactly where Jesus was so he’ll be healed. In our lives we need these moments of desperation that will anchor us to the way in which Jesus wants us to have.
The second thing and the best thing that made his way to healing was INTERCESSION. He would not make it to the roof if he did not have friends that will intercede for him to get to the way of Jesus.
Where can we have these friends who can carry us to the roof of enlightenment? This is where our friends and family help to pray with us during the times of injury, of despair, of difficulty. In the story of the paralytic man, it is possible that the man loses his hope already but his FANTASTIC FOUR intercessors are so much willing for his healing.
Sometimes we are so broken we can’t even say a prayer, or we’re already losing hope. This is the time where we need the power of intercession. Talking about the way to Jesus? It is best for us to ask his Mother, who made Jesus do His first miracle at the Wedding they attended in Cana. As Jesus has spoken in that gospel, even if it’s not time yet for Him, He can simply just not say No to His beloved Mother.
You are may be in this same situation right now. Go get to a community where people can be your prayer partners and seek together the intercession of our Beloved Mother…
Mary Our Mother, Intercede for us..
Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man
The highlight of the story is forgiveness but I have realized two things. It would not be possible for the paralytic man to get to Jesus if he do not have these two hidden miracles.
The second thing and the best thing that made his way to healing was INTERCESSION. He would not make it to the roof if he did not have friends that will intercede for him to get to the way of Jesus.
Where can we have these friends who can carry us to the roof of enlightenment? This is where our friends and family help to pray with us during the times of injury, of despair, of difficulty. In the story of the paralytic man, it is possible that the man loses his hope already but his FANTASTIC FOUR intercessors are so much willing for his healing.
Sometimes we are so broken we can’t even say a prayer, or we’re already losing hope. This is the time where we need the power of intercession. Talking about the way to Jesus? It is best for us to ask his Mother, who made Jesus do His first miracle at the Wedding they attended in Cana. As Jesus has spoken in that gospel, even if it’s not time yet for Him, He can simply just not say No to His beloved Mother.
You are may be in this same situation right now. Go get to a community where people can be your prayer partners and seek together the intercession of our Beloved Mother…
Mary Our Mother, Intercede for us..
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