I came across with this verse this morning, Isaiah 58: 3-4 “In fact, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exploit all your laborers. 4 Indeed you fast for strife and debate, And to strike with the fist of wickedness. You will not fast as you do this day, to make your voice heard on high.”
I remembered when we had a briefing with one of the builders of my LOJ community about fasting, I uttered a joke saying that it is “Diet for a Cause,” He heard it and made it clear that fasting is not a diet strategy. In Isaiah I realize that people can find fasting as a pleasure. People who want to be seen as spiritual and good amongst others, this is the reason why Jesus instructed his disciples to make fasting in secret. For not to take out the reward you can have from the sacrifice you have done.

Look at the areas in your life that needs “trimming,” don’t forget the old folk’s saying “too much of anything is bad enough.”
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