They say that the only thing constant in this world is CHANGE. I would not wonder why, because God gives us a lot of opportunity to become the best of what we can be. He makes sure that what he created is destined to be the best and the only way to do that is to constantly have a positive change. CHANGE is GROWTH. When growth stops the next thing to happen is to diminish the negative side of change.

Last two weeks ago at the feast a challenge was given to us and I can share that with you. Pick a habit that you will change in 30 days. It can be anything like saying a prayer before you wake up in the morning or to clean your room every day. Anything that you will not miss for the next 30 days and you will be amaze how God will transform that little habit into something big.
Once you develop a new habit, try to look for a bad habit again and do it for the next 30 days. Not 21 (I know it takes only 21 days to become a habit) 30 because we aim for excellence! J
What I’ll do is to imagine my dreams before going to sleep as if they are already real until I see them come true in Jesus Name!
So what changes do you want to happen? Start now!
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