Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Message of St. Michael the Archangel... August 19, 1996

Can Man Support Himself On Nothing?
August 19, 1996
(Saint Michael, the Archangel.)
child of the Father and of the Most High, spouse of the Spouse, garden of the Holy Spirit, fruit of the Most Holy Trinity, do you know what "fear of the Lord" means? it means hatred of all that is evil and opposite to God; God is good, meek, gentle, merciful, love and the Truth;
let your soul then be fearing God and allow God to perfect you; the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and Wisdom is given to mere children for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs; so unless you change your hearts1 and become free of malice you will never enter into God's kingdom;
ah .... have you not heard, how Our Creator, thrice Holy, triumphant over all, had wept with tears of joy while He was creating you? yes, it is this same God, who is the Most High, the great and living God, to whom you owe your life, who created you, that the world today has turned against Him;
how can anyone believe that they will escape God's Justice? all is for ever under the Eye of God, and what He sees as crimes and offences on His Holiness outweigh the sands of the seas .... for how long will He see His Image profaned? can man support himself on nothing, and for how long? refusing Faithful Love is to refuse Life; yet the God they have forgotten has never forgotten them;
I can now plead for mercy for all of you, especially for those amongst you whose hearts are the hardest; the weak and the needy have to be rescued and saved from the clutches of the evil one, who plots the fall of God's people; so come! revive your prayers to Me and I shall intercede; come! with a single mind to save God's children, come and pray! while I am giving you this warning, there are those who would not listen; - ask for My intercession and I will protect you and defend you from evil and his dominion;
- as heaven praises God's wonders, praise, you too, the Most High, your Creator, without ceasing, for who in the skies can compare with the Almighty One? who among the sons of God can rival Him? His Throne like the sun before me cries out: "Justice!" once the Holy One has spoken, His Word will be accomplished, and Justice will be done by fire;
but for those whose heart was pleasing to God who cried out to Him: "You are my Father, my God, the Rock of my salvation!" so will they be made God's first-born, and will not fear in the Day He will come by fire;
soon, Yahweh means to pass through among you; let me hear your fervent prayers, then ask yourselves: "what will the Day of the Lord mean for me?" and anyone who conspires evil, will be working for his own ruin; this is why I tell you: come and sow seeds of peace and reconciliation, so that your fruit will be agreeable to the Almighty and heaven will be your compensation;
Saint Michael, God's Archangel;

1 St Michael speaks now to everyone.http://www.tlig.org/en/messages/979/

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An Excerpt from True Life in God

I Shall Draw You Into A Greater Interior Life

July 3, 1996

Are You the One
who flashes Your Light in our hearts?
I Am;
Are You, Shaddai,
whom we considered so far beyond our reach,
that now show Yourself to us,
You who are clothed in fearful splendour?
behold! I Am;
Theme, and Song of my life,
are You really doing something
that exceeds our knowledge and understanding?
I Am; I am fulfilling My Promise;
Ointment of my eyes, am I seeing right?
are You, in Your faithful Love,
despatching from above Your Holy Spirit?
I Am;
yes! how much more could I have spoken? Vassula, you see? I am coming down to be with you; My beloved ones, the Father said He will keep neither the records nor take account in His books, 1 but He will send you an outpour of His Holy Spirit quicker than planned;
why, the Evil one is challenging My Power and his threats are pouring down against My Church; so why do I have to delay or keep silent anymore? now, I, Myself, will challenge him with the Power of My Holy Spirit and draw each one of you into My Sacred Heart; I will draw all of you who want into an intimate union with Me, so that many of you will be favoured with the mystery of your Salvation, which is My Cross; I will enwrap your soul and keep you thus, in perfect union with Me;
and by grace I shall draw from you greater sacrifices, greater amendments; I shall draw you into a greater interior life and higher forms of prayer .... and, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, I will teach you too, to do the same;
and you, little child, bear My Cross of Unity, together with Me and allow yourself to be guided by My Spirit, He will be the Sign for you and your guarantee, 2 that you come from Me; My favour rests upon you;
- I still have many favours in store for you, generation, favours that will lead you into sanctity and into My Kingdom; so I tell you, you who would be ready to judge, do not start judging according to appearances, prematurely, let your judgement mature and be according to what is good and right;
- today I cry out as I once did in Jerusalem: "if anyone is thirsty, come! let him come to Me! come and drink, you who believe in Me! for from My Sacred Heart flows fountains of living water! come and refresh yourselves, come and revive! then, the light of your eyes will become the light of My Spirit;"
- many of you have made out of My Kingdom a Kingdom of words alone; I tell you: My Kingdom is Power; 3 I will visit anyone who thirsts for Me in one way or another, and with great power I will restore My Kingdom;
I thank You that You are pouring out
Your Riches, Your Gifts and Your Favours on us, O Lord!
With the Power of Your Spirit,
You will destroy the wisdom of the wise
and bring to nothing all the learning of the learned;
You will scatter the philosophers and bring them down;
O Holy One, come!
demonstrate the Power of Your Power, 4
demonstrate the Power of Your Holy Spirit,
demonstrate the Power of Your Goodness,
demonstrate the Power of Your Faithfulness,
Your Intimacy, Your Joy, and Your Love;
Leavened we must become; 5
grant us then this favour, O Lord,
grant us this favour to overpower evil,
and get rid of all the old yeast of evil and wickedness
that still remains in us,
by replacing it by a fresh batch of yeast!
listen: My Spirit will wield His Great Authority over many nations and adjudicate between many people; 6this will be done to fulfil the words when I asked you to prophesy;
Goodness is with you! never doubt .... seek Me always, it pleases Me; seek Me always, it pleases Me; let your hand remain in Mine and you shall not wander astray ....
I bless you;


Sunday, April 1, 2012

The cool change….

My friend, Khalil, recently made a decision to finally quit smoking. He has been enslaved by it for so many years; in spite of serving the community he was having a hard time quitting. Everyone was thrilled and probably wondered the big reason of such recent decision. Tons of reasons came to all of us, but there is just one thing that summarizes them all. He decided to love himself more.
Broken Chains How Is God Setting You Free?I remember how NO to Smoking collaterals are being spread by a lot of healthcare foundation; they put pictures of lungs infected by nicotine. As well as the effects of it to our heart and brain, but in spite all of these, smokers most likely to stop out of fear of what they have seen but later on would back slide to their old habits.
I don’t mean to offend anyone but I have been thinking the reason of someone slavery to smoking. I realize that part of loving oneself does not limit us to make us feel good, but rather loving every part our anatomy which has been fearfully and wonderfully made by the Almighty. My friend decided to finally quit it because he learned to love himself more because God give him the grace of love in spite of his shortcomings. After deciding to love himself more, he has seen the great WHY in his life why will he stick to his decision to change. Honestly, I have not asked his great WHY but he recently share his desire to have a family someday. Connecting it to his decision, it seems that his great WHY is out of his desire to have a long life for his future wife, his future children and his future grandchildren.
Decision to change that happen to my friend does not only apply to that particular vice, it can be with our vices of being temperamental, being a worrier, being a doubter. Whatever it is, that cool change in our lives is a decision of loving ourselves more and to maintain choosing the good is to establish a GREAT WHY that would keep us going.