My friend, Khalil, recently made a decision to finally quit smoking. He has been enslaved by it for so many years; in spite of serving the community he was having a hard time quitting. Everyone was thrilled and probably wondered the big reason of such recent decision. Tons of reasons came to all of us, but there is just one thing that summarizes them all. He decided to love himself more.

I don’t mean to offend anyone but I have been thinking the reason of someone slavery to smoking. I realize that part of loving oneself does not limit us to make us feel good, but rather loving every part our anatomy which has been fearfully and wonderfully made by the Almighty. My friend decided to finally quit it because he learned to love himself more because God give him the grace of love in spite of his shortcomings. After deciding to love himself more, he has seen the great WHY in his life why will he stick to his decision to change. Honestly, I have not asked his great WHY but he recently share his desire to have a family someday. Connecting it to his decision, it seems that his great WHY is out of his desire to have a long life for his future wife, his future children and his future grandchildren.
Decision to change that happen to my friend does not only apply to that particular vice, it can be with our vices of being temperamental, being a worrier, being a doubter. Whatever it is, that cool change in our lives is a decision of loving ourselves more and to maintain choosing the good is to establish a GREAT WHY that would keep us going.
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